is an AI researcher, technologist, and artist working via technical proposals, philosophical implications, and narrative infrastructures.
She is currently a PhD student at the Univeristy of Oxford in Computer Science, within the Human-Centred AI group. She serves as an affiliate researcher at Antikythera, a thinktank for the speculative philosophy of computation hosted by the Berggruen Institute. Previously, she was a software engineer and sociotechnical researcher at Google DeepMind.
Her technical research interests lie in making the internal representations of machine learning models more like the internal worldviews of humans: diverse and ever-evolving. She draws analogies from complexity science, information theory, and philosophy of technology to develop models capable of continual learning using ensembles, modularization, and model-to-model communication.
Her philosophical research interests lie in the relationships between information, noise, evolution, complexity, and computation. She co-develops Whole Earth Codec (birthed at Antikythera and iterated at Serpentine Arts Technologies, RadicalxChange, and PACT Zollverein), an ongoing speculative design-research project about a multi-modal, ecological foundation model which integrates the totality of the planet's information.
Crucial and current references include The Major Transitions in Evolution by John Maynard Smith and Eörs Szathmáry (1995), The Origin of Language: Biology, Information Theory, and Thermodynamics by Michel Serres (1982), and Unthought: The Power of the Cognitive Nonconscious by N. Katherine Hayles (2017).
Christina has a BA in Computer Science and Studio Art from Dartmouth College. She is based in London via Cupertino and Shanghai.
Whole Earth Codec. A speculative proposal for a multi-modal foundation model trained on planetary-scale ecological sensing. 18 minute CGI film, essay, and website. Antikythera (2023).
Vivarium. A vaporware platform for training AI in embodied cognition through "toy world" simulations. 17 minute CGI and found footage film, essay, and website. Antikythera (2023).
Model plurality: A taxonomy for pluralistic alignment. Structurally embedding multiplicity into every level of model development and deployment is necessary for true pluralism. Pluralistic Alignment Workshop at NeurIPS (2024).
Subverting machines, fluctuating identities. How machine learning immobilizes the autopoietic nature of human identity. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (2022).
The subtle language of exclusion. How to detect TERFs on Twitter using topic modeling and follower networks. The 6th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (2022).
Model plurality. Instead of cramming chatbots full of incommensurate values, true plurality requires different species of AI—neurodiversity rather than different personas. Combinations Magazine Issue 1: Myth and Mechanism by RadicalxChange (2024).
The algorithmic internet. We have been poisoned by the original dream of technology manifest in the algorithmically-sculpted internet: boundless scale and frictionless ease. Where do we go from here? Readings for Paradigm Trilogy Issue 2: Man vs. machine (2023).
Artificial Girl Intelligence. The latent forced feminization of AI must continue by creating the conditions to collectively sense, interpret, and retransmit rich signals: girl intelligence. Tropez (2024).
Whole Earth Codec and Planetary Sensing. Ecological sensing and processing blur together for the Whole Earth Codec, which wields compression as a technology for understanding latent patterns in earth systems. UAL Central Saint Martins (2024).
Toy Worlds. In Vivarium, interoperable, open simulations where embodied AI and humans learn to cooperate and coexist make physicalized AI possible. Medialab Matadero's Synthetic Minds Podcast (2024).
𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔟𝔬𝔵✦ Whole Earth Codec. What currently imperceptible, high-level concepts might emerge from embedding the biosphere? This sandbox explores ongoing research around the Whole Earth Codec. Trust (2023).
LIVE! from Berlin. Recorded at the AI Anarchies conference, we discuss contaminating technology and secret third things beyond repair or refusal. The Good Robot Podcast (2022).